*** Summer Kids Classes will only be for the Preschool (10am-10:15am) and Teenage(11:15am-12pm) group. Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays.***
Hopefully you are all staying hydrated throughout this week…and last week… and next week. Hot days with pull-up rigs can often mean hand tears. It happens, right?
Before you go ahead and commit yourself to not washing the dishes or you hair, take care of those hands! Prep work comes from either a Ped-egg or Pumice stone. We keep the pumice stone in the shower – easy to use and you won’t forget.
During workouts when hands get sweaty, grab a towel. Too much chalk can easily get gummy, stick to the bars and make tears and rips worse. Don’t forget to wipe down the rig when you are done.
Prepped and yet your palms are still raw and bloody? GO WASH YOUR HANDS. WITH SOAP. And yes it will hurt. But get it done. If you leave your DNA on the equipment, there are bottles of sanitizer and wipes all around the gym. If you rip you are done for chalk…no one likes to find a bloody tennis ball in the chalk bucket. Trust me.
Once you get home it is time to “tea bag.” You heard me. Check out this article for the best way to start the healing process. And get your mind out of the gutter.

Workout of the Day
6 Rounds
3 Minutes of Work 2 Minutes of Rest
At the top of each round perform 5 strict pull-ups
10 Dumbell Hang Clean & Jerks 50/35
15 Box Jumps 24/20
25 Double Unders