Don’t get too excited, but we will be getting a new iPad this week to make signing in easier! You can also sign in on the app and sign up for classes there too. You can find it both on the iTunes Store and the Android store. Look up CF Oakdale.
Once you get signed in, please make sure that you are on time for class. Signing up ahead of time gives the coaches notice as to how many people are coming and they can adjust their warmups accordingly. Showing up early or on time (5 minutes before class) also give the coaches a chance to adjust, provide scaling options and
We want to give you a good general warmup. If you have specific issue – cranky knees, whiny ankles, lock jaw, arthritic pinkies, vertigo – take that extra time to work that out.
Personally, I work out at 5:30pm or 6:30pm and I know I don’t get there early enough to work out my whiny ass feet as I should. One of my problems is I love to bullshit with everyone. Don’t stop doing that, just stretch it out while you do.

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a 3 RM in 20 minutes
50 Toes to Bar
Every time you break perform 5 burpees
If you can’t do Toes to Bar yet, do Hanging Knees raises.