Open Eve

Remember, more about the CrossFit Games Open 14.1 drops at 5pm, pill and we will do a test run at the 6:30pm class.  That doesn’t mean you have to do the WOD: we’ll be working out proper warm up and prep, drugs pacing, strategy and transition plan to give you the best information possible.
If you do test the WOD, I highly suggest you do the pull-up strength work (unless pullups are a major factor in 14.1).  You will need pullups later in the Open, and you can never be too good at pulling your body weight.
I highly recommend working strict pullups if possible.  First, this will develop strength.  Second, strict pullups are MUCH LESS brutal on your poor little hands.

Look carefully at this picture…Get ready for this kind of excitement. It is Open Eve!!!
Look carefully at this picture…Get ready for this kind of excitement. It is Open Eve!!!

Workout of the Day
Chest to Bar Pullups
5 C2B OTM for 10 minutes
If you cannot do C2B, do pullups.  If you can’t do pullups, do hanging body pulls.  If this isn’t enough, try strict (dead hang) C2B.
Run 800m
Then 3 rounds
25 Pushups
25 Kettleswings 53/35
Run 800m