Monday will begin our first week of training at CrossFit Oakdale. I spent the last 2 years programming for CrossFit Modesto. I got to learn what works best, online both for an individual looking to improve their fitness and running classes through various types of fitness challenges. I’m still learning. I’ve had the last month or so to think about what I want to see out of CrossFit Oakdale’s fitness program, cheap and I wanted to review it with you. In part 1, I will discuss my thoughts on what is important in fitness. It may seem that I’m talking about what is important for beginners, but the pursuit of beautiful movement performed at high intensity should be the goal of every CrossFitter. In part 2, I will discuss the day to day operations of the CrossFit Oakdale program, so you can plan your week.
First, you move well. Then, you move well fast.
First, and most important, we want you to learn to move well. That means learning the lifts and movements, learning your capabilities, and constantly refining your movement. Moving well means moving safely and efficiently. We want you to understand Range of Motion (ROM). For a new member, I would estimate it takes 2-3 months to learn and become comfortable with the movements that we use in CrossFit. Some athletes are faster to learn, some are slower. Some athletes come in with amazing athletic backgrounds, other have never been in a gym. It’s all good! We are lucky to have several coaches and athletes at CrossFit Oakdale that have been doing CrossFit for awhile, and “move well”. Pay attention to how they prepare. Ask questions. Be humble. Learn.
Second, once you begin to move well, we want you to move well fast. Maybe the defining characteristic of CrossFit at first glance is that we workout “fast”. We define this as Intensity, with a capital “I”. We believe Intensity is the single most important factor for developing fitness. We also believe Intensity is something that must be learned and trained. Our goal is to move well fast. That way, we do more work in less time, and we do it safely. That doesn’t mean we hide bad movement with speed. As Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit said, “Don’t paint a dirty car.” Identify your weaknesses or deficiencies, and make it a priority to attack them. I call this “doing your homework”.
There is a big BUT here. Intensity is so important, we believe it needs to be added to the program right away. You may learn to move well, but we want to push you hard, to the point that your perfect movement breaks down, or come very close to it. Perfect is the enemy of good.
All that being said, read “Foundations” by Greg Glassman. It’s free. “Foundations” is so full of ideas it warrants, even demands, multiple readings. I re-read Foundations once or twice a year, and I’m aways blown away by it, and I always find something new.
Moving well. Together.
Workout of the Day
5 sets of 5
Use 2-3 sets to warm up, then do 5 heavy, working sets. Experienced CFers, work at 65%-70%.
Metcon (Metabolic Conditioning)
AMRAP 10 (As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 minutes)
7 Deadlift (225/155)
14 Box Jumps (24/20)
Sub 1:1 step up for box jumps. Remember, fully open hip at the top.
50 Abmat situps