Just one of the girls

Thursday will be a pull-up-centric named workout, “Nicole.” The workout is named after one of the original Nasty Girls and current Director of Training, Nicole Carroll. It’s a weird one – do you want more rounds or bigger sets, which will lead to less rounds?

The answer, like all good things, is – it depends. Are you good at pullups? I would try to either go as big as possible or pick a big number for you – 10, 15, 20…more…and do them unbroken. Do you have a smaller number? If you have 5 or less, you will likely spend a great deal of the workout running.

Either is ok. Ideally you will do both – big sets and run fast. If you are doing huge, PR type sets, you will likely be running slowly, moving the blood out of your arms. For this workout and this week, I would focus on that big pullup number. Let’s see if we can get any PRs!!!

And if you have a bar that hangs in a door, please video when you rip that sucker off the wall and flop like an NBA player (sports reference – a little late).

Tomorrow’s Schedule

ROMWOD 8am Click here to join

CrossFit 9am Click here to join

CrossFit Kids and Teens 3PM Click here to join


Workout of the Day



400m Run

Max Effort Pullups

Half Cocked “Nicole”


400m Run

Max Effort Kettlebell Swings 53/35 (Stop at 30)

Empty Chamber “Nicole”

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
• 400m run
• Swing something heavy – anything – paint can, wighted bag or backpack Stop when you can’t go any longer or at 30 swing

Accessory Work

4 Sets of 15
Dimmel Deadlift

DB Bench Press
or floor press

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