Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  We hope you had a great break and, after being jolly, are ready to get back in some serious training.  We will start the new year with a cycle to get ready for the Open, which starts in the end of February.  Monday will be a build to a 2RM Front Squat, Tuesday will be Handstand work, Wednesday will be a Snatch day with our new Snatch session we’ll be working leading up to the Open.  Thursday will be a CrossFit conditioning  workout only (muahaha) and Friday will be a Back Squat 5RM cycle.
We will be adding a 5:30am class on Wednesdays.  That means 5:30am classes 5 days a week. Starting NEXT week will be All Access Classes in the evening – on Mondays and Wednesdays. We will also have some information the next few days  on how you can gift some CrossFit Oakdale to your closest and favorite friends and family. You know you love it…start thinking about you can spread the love and who you can spread it to.
I’m calling it now – we did “The Seven” on New Years Day.  On the coming Saturday, we will do the “Light Seven,” which just cause it’s lighter don’t make it easier.
Workout of the Day
Front Squat Double
In 15 minutes, build to a heavy Front Squat Double
100 Thrusters 75/55
At the top of every minute, including the first minute, do 3 Bar Facing Burpees.