First piece of equipment built!

We received our first major piece of equipment today: a shiny new Glute-Ham Develeoper (GHD).  I am the first to admit, patient I don’t use this bad boy enough.  GHD work is strong juju, information pills and this one is a little higher than I’m used to.  Good times!
1 Power Clean, purchase 3 Front Squats
5 sets of 3
Build to a heavy set, rest 3 min between sets.
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Back Squat 185/135
Kettlebell Swing 55/35
From the Again Faster Series.  The back squat must be taken from the ground, so that means you must clean, then get the weight to your back rack.  This can be done through a jerk or a quick “bump” over your head.  But watch your noggin.

2 Responses
  1. louis

    Wendler front squat
    5@40% 5@50% 5@60%
    Again faster wod ( more like slow again wod)
    12:50. Its been a tough week on the metcon side really hard to get going. Plan on doing sled pulls tomorrow didnt have time today

  2. Brian

    AM Front Squat
    5 sets at 205, with 2 minutes rest, 3 sets of 10 ghd, short walk w/ 35# db
    Lipson, unbroken
    5:45. This was terrible! Set of 15 was totally mental, squats were steady eddie. Finished with a light run to end of the block and back