First Day of School!

Like Nemo, we are super excited for the first day of school in Oakdale. We hope all of you parents had a great summer, enjoyed your last summer dinner together where you set rules for the school year to come. Seasons change, but you guys still keep getting fit and that rocks. I love days when we throw rope climbs at you and no one hides. And then we throw rope climbs and HEAVY sled pushes at you and you love that too. When you are done…you love it when you are done. 
Happy First Day of School!

We shall call them SUITCASES!

Workout of the Day
3 Position Snatch
Positions 1.5, 2 and 3
Build to a heavy complex in 15 minutes
“Bicouplet 2”
Snatch 85/55
Chest to Bar Pullup
10 Minute Cap

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