
A free KillCliff or RXBar to any CFO member that came out to National Night Out and hopped on a rower.  Great job to Brad C/Amber with our top row of 34/26 calories in 1 minute! 
Wednesday’s workout has some high skill stuff and some very primal stuff.  It should alternate every minute, so you do 1 skill, then one grunt, 1 skill, 1 grunt, rinse repeat.
For the grunt work, go as heavy as you can.  The distances should be relatively short, so you can go heavy.  But feel free to try different weights on sleds and carries.
You just have to complete the required work in the minute.  Rest the remainder of the minute.

Workout of the Day
7 Rounds
Minute 1: 1 Rope Climb
Minute 2: 1 Sled Push 10m out/10m back
Minute 3: 50 Doubleunders
Minute 4: 1 Farmers Carry 10m out/10m back