The pushups we did on Wednesday are not the only way to do pushups. They are a little different, maybe more demanding. They would fall under what Outlaw CrossFit termed “The Doomsday Principle.” Basically, understand what the toughest, most exactly interpretation of a movement is, and be ready for that.
That can mean strict movements. It can burpees to touch, jumping into the rings for muscleups, doing HSPU to a crazy line, having to pause at the top of a box jump, or tons of other variations.
Chest to bar can be considered a doomsday version of pull-ups. Do we always do them? No. But we want to completely understand the requirements so we are not rocked back on out heels just because the standard became more exacting.
The name of the game is identifying weaknesses, making friends with them, then beating them to death.

Workout of the Day
9 rounds
5 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jump and Over 24/20
5 Handstand Pushups
9 Box Jump and Over 24/20