Great work on all the PRs over the last two weeks. We had dozens of PRs on all the lifts. We will transition slightly to skill transfers to the Olympic Lifts – Clean Grip Deadlift with a shrug and Overhead Squats – in the coming weeks. But for this week, we will just do some...Read More
CrossFit at 9 and 10. Once again, we have a lot of pullups. We will discuss scaling options. Workout of the Day “Emily” 10 Rounds 30 Doubleunders 15 Pullups 30 Squats 100m run Rest 2 minutes after each roundRead More
Nice little video on the close grip bench press. We will use this lift for the next 6 weeks for 3 heavy sets of 5. I like the bench for making the shoulder and upper body nice and strong. I really like the close grip because it translates so well into the dip from a...Read More
Congrats to Jessica S! She passed here CrossFit Level 1 this weekend and is a newly minted, Certified CrossFit Trainer. We look forward to her joining the CFO coaching team and sharing her knowledge! I’ve offered some options for a gymnastics heavy workout. There may be some inside options you like to try – like...Read More
If you haven’t seen the news on Facebook, a few members of CrossFit Oakdale will be competing in the online qualifiers for the Granite Games. To sign up, click HERE. Remember the Open? It will be just like that. 3 weeks of workouts, they can be done RX, Intermediate or Scaled. This is great prep...Read More
So, I don’t know anything about this person, except she seems pretty fit. But this video illustrates exactly what I learned watching this workout over and over. I missed the first week of Regionals on the internet, but I watched a ton of weeks 2 and 3. I cannot contain my joy at how good...Read More
Alison and I were away last week – it was great to see a TON of PRs on the 3 rep work. We will keep the heavy work going this week, but now we will work some 1 rep max. Monday will be the Back Squat, Friday will be the Deadlift. Like the 3RM, there...Read More
Just a reminder if you missed this post the other day! See you in the morning! Hey LADIES! By Sunday, June 3rd, kids will have officially been out of school for 1 full week. Don’t you think you deserve a morning off? Maybe a mimosa or bloody mary, post workout? Just a 25 minute workout to...Read More
Friday will be a test of your 3RM Deadlift, followed by a 3RM Bench Press. I have been playing with a deficit in my warm ups on the Deadlift days. For the lighter reps, I like to stand on a 45 pound plate. This extends the range of motion and forces me to really get...Read More
Wednesday’s workout is a riff on Regional workout #5. I spent a good portion of my Saturday and Sunday watching workouts. I’ve participated in 5 Regionals, and Sunday’s first workout, Workout 5, was the worst I’ve ever seen. The lead in from the gymnastic portion and the bike only seasoned the meat for 50...Read More