Let's Get Ready to Ruuummmbbbbllleeeee

If you haven’t seen the news on Facebook, a few members of CrossFit Oakdale will be competing in the online qualifiers for the Granite Games. To sign up, click HERE. Remember the Open? It will be just like that. 3 weeks of workouts, they can be done RX, Intermediate or Scaled. This is great prep for the Royal Rumble in August (the 18th). This is our FOURTH Annual Summer Slam – individual competition at CrossFit Oakdale.
The Royal Rumble will be 3 workouts – a barbell battle, a cardio/core smash, and a gymnastics floater.  If you earn a spot in the finals, you will get an opportunity to show your strength and earn the title of King and Queen of the Royal Rumble.

Workout of the Day
Parking Lot Run
11 Power Clean 95/65
11 Front Squat 95/65
22 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
45 Total Reps per round

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