
We know you are itching to get back into the gym. You might not know how much we miss having you there. Regardless of when we start, and when it does happen the plan will be in limiting class sizes. Similar to before we left, class sizes will be shorter, you will have to sign up online and class times will be a little shorter to give time to sanitize properly for the next class. Keep the faith, fingers crossed, knock on wood, throw a penny in the fountain, flip your cigarette and always kiss your visor. What are your wishing and good luck actions? Fully Loaded 20 Ft Hand stand Walk100 Double Unders40 Ft. Handstand Walk80 Double Unders60 Ft Hand Stand Walk60 Double Unders80 Ft Handstand Walk40 Double Unders100 Ft Handstand Walk20 Double Unders Half Cocked/Empty Chamber 20 Ft Handstand Kick Up or Bear Crawl100 Lateral Hops over an...
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Congratulations to Coaches Chance and Christine for the new addition to their family!!! Coda Elliot was born on Friday May 8th. They are all back home with little brother Colt and settled in. We can’t wait to meet him! We are looking forward to Tuesday night’s county meeting…maybe we will gain some more insight on when we can open back up. While we won’t be able to go back to EXACTLY what we had right away, we will be able to advise you more in the next few days. We are thinking very similarly to how we ran the last few days of class – smaller classes with definite signing up for classes so we can limit the spots. Looking to gauge interest in a park night this week – text 209-345-4380 or respond to comments on the Facebook group page. What day works best for you? Location would be...
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Strength Snatch After a through warmup, perform 5 heavy singles Conditioning 10 RFT 30 Doubleunders 10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 10 Pullups
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Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click here to join CrossFit 9am Click here to join Workout of the Day Fully Loaded AMRAP 101 KB/DB Snatch 50/351 KB/DB Thruster Each round consists of 2 reps Empty Chamber Get a timer!1 Burpee every 5 or 10 seconds for 10 Minutes. Accessory Work EMOM 107 pushups5 Pullups (Kettlebell Swings/broomstick Sumo Deadlift Highpulls) A1 Dimmel Deadlift 3×20 A2 Alternating Bicep Curls 3×20
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Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:00am Click here to join CrossFit 9am Click here to join Crossfit Oakdale Kids and Teens 3pm Click here to join Workout of the Day Strength 5 Sets of 3 Back Squat Conditioning “Fully Loaded” 5 Rounds21 Cal Row15 Box Jump9 Dumbbell Snatch Left Arm9 Dumbbell Snatch Right Arm “Half Cocked” 5 Rounds400 Meter Run15 Jumps On/Over something9 Dumbbell Snatch Left Arm9 Dumbbell Snatch Right Arm “Empty Chamber” 5 Rounds400 Meter Run15 Tuck Jumps25 Broom stick Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
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