Congratulations to Coaches Chance and Christine for the new addition to their family!!! Coda Elliot was born on Friday May 8th. They are all back home with little brother Colt and settled in. We can’t wait to meet him!
We are looking forward to Tuesday night’s county meeting…maybe we will gain some more insight on when we can open back up. While we won’t be able to go back to EXACTLY what we had right away, we will be able to advise you more in the next few days. We are thinking very similarly to how we ran the last few days of class – smaller classes with definite signing up for classes so we can limit the spots.
Looking to gauge interest in a park night this week – text 209-345-4380 or respond to comments on the Facebook group page. What day works best for you? Location would be back at the park on Greger street.
Tomorrow’s Schedule
ROMWOD 8:30am Click here to join
CrossFit 9am

Workout of the Day
Squat Clean – build to a heavy and perform three sets there.
3 sets of 1
Fully Loaded
20 Wallball
10 Toes to Bar
18 Wallball
9 Toes to Bar
16 Wallball
8 Toes to Bar
14 Wallball
7 Toes to Bar
12 Wallball
6 Toes to Bar
10 Wallball
5 Toes to Bar
8 Wallball
4 Toes to Bar
6 Wallball
3 Toes to Bar
4 Wallball
2 Toes to Bar
2 Wallball
1 Toes to Bar
Half Cocked
20 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
10 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
18 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
9 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
16 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
8 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
14 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
7 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
12 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
6 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
10 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
5 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
8 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
4 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
6 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
3 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
4 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
2 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
2 Light Front Rack DB or Barbell Thruster
1 Toes to Dumbbell/Couch
Empty Chamber
20 Broomstick Thruster
10 Situps
18 Broomstick Thruster
9 Situps
16 Broomstick Thruster
8 Situps
14 Broomstick Thruster
7 Situps
12 Broomstick Thruster
6 Situps
10 Broomstick Thruster
5 Situps
8 Broomstick Thruster
4 Situps
6 Broomstick Thruster
3 Situps
4 Broomstick Thruster
2 Situps
2 Broomstick Thruster
1 Situps