
Thank you to everyone who came out to our workout and meeting on Saturday. If you missed the meeting, more information will be going out this week, so pay attention to your email. Important take-aways – Classes will begin on Wednesday, May 20th. You MUST sign in through MindBody. We were doing this before we closed. Classes are capped at 8 people and are shortened. If you are not signed up, you won’t be able to attend the class. You can sign up for classes up to 3 days in advance. Classes will be shortened to allow for proper cleaning and spacing. Think of this as being concentrated. You have nowhere to go, your equipment is right there and we will be able to focus on the workout. Sign up for SugarWOD. This will be our new end of the day whiteboard. If you have equipment, you can return it...
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Bring a chair and a heavy weight to Saturday’s Parking Lot WOD at the gym. We will have a meeting after to discuss the next steps on our journey. If you are without equipment, we can find something for ya! Just come on in! Workout of the Day Parking Lot WOD
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We will be meeting in the gym parking lot on Saturday morning for our parking lot workout and town hall meeting. Bring a heavy piece of equipment and your questions and we hope we can answer them for you! Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click here to join CrossFit 9am Click here to join Your new space! Workout of the Day Strength Power Snatch 5 sets of 3 This should be heavy across the lifts Conditioning “Humpty Dumpty” “Fully Loaded” 42 Alternating DB Squat Snatch 50/3521 Toes to Bar30 Alternating DB Squat Snatch15 Toes to Bar18 Alternating DB Squat Snatch9 Toes to Bar “Half Cocked” 42 Alternating DB Squat Snatch 50/3521 Laying Toes to DB30 Alternating DB Squat Snatch15 Laying Toes to DB18 Alternating DB Squat Snatch9 Laying Toes to DB “Empty Chamber” 42 Broomstick Squat Snatch21 Laying Toes to DB30 Broomstick Squat Snatch15 Laying Toes to DB18 Broomstick Squat Snatch9...
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Don’t forget to comment on the facebook group to decide what time our Parking Lot class will be Saturday! Tomorrow’s Schedule Warrior ROMWOD 8am Click Here to join CrossFit 9am Click here to join CrossFit Oakdale Kids and Teens 3pm Click here to join Canadian Lizzie working on handstands during quarantine! Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 5 sets of 3 – anyway you want – go heavier or different than last week – weighted lunges, split squats, goblet squats if you don’t have a barbell. Conditioning “Fully Loaded” AMRAP 8 8 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 8 Box Jumps 24/20 8 Kettlebell Swings 8 Burpees “Half Cocked” AMRAP 88 Kettlebell Swings/Dumbbell Swings8 Jump up or step up8 Kettlebell Swings/Dumbbell Swings8 Burpees “Empty Chamber” AMRAP 816 Mountain Climbers8 Broad jumps8 Burpees
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Saturday we will be having a parking lot WOD with a town hall meeting after. Check a post on the Facebook group to vote for the time of the parking lot WOD – 9am or 10am? We usually do a nice potluck, but we are asking that you bring drinks or food to NOT SHARE. So if you want to refuel POST workout, bring what you want – but DON’T share. Congrat’s again to the Double Under PR LADIES Melissa(37), Jill(78) and Lizzy (109 THEN 116)! Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to join CrossFit 9am Click here to join BROOKE!! WOOOHOOO!! Workout of the Day “Dandy” AMRAP 20 3 Rounds of Cindy 1 round of Cindy is: 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats 1 Round of DT 155/100 1 round of DT is 12 Deadlift, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Shoulder to Overhead For Half Cocked, sub 5 KBS...
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