
Zone Challengers UNITE! We got off track with the, you know, pandemic. BUT we are back BABY! 3 weeks of ZONE meals and thoughtful eating. I am excited to get this show back on the road. If you have questions about the Zone diet, ask a coach! Coach Denny is the master, but we all have some experience with it. Workout of the Day Fully Loaded Alternating EMOM 20Minute 1 PullupsMinute 2 Wall Ball Shots 20/14Minute 3 Toes to BarMinute 4 Wall Balls 20/14Work 35 Rest 25 Empty Chamber Alternating EMOM 20Minute 1 PushupsMinute 2 Air SquatsMinute 3 SitupsMinute 4 Walking LungesWork 35 Rest 25
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Classes at 9am and 10am:) Workout of the Day AMRAP 201 Clean and Jerk 135/955 Pullups10 Pushups15 SquatsEvery round your Clean and Jerk goes up by 1
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Make sure you get a chance to check out the new website! We still have some pictures to change up, but we love the new look. When you open it up through a mobile browser window, you can text your friends when they tell you “I would love to come to a class with you!” All referrals will get you a 20% off your next month’s membership. Text your friends! Workout of the Day “Fully Loaded” 3 x AMRAP 3 with a 2 Minute Rest in between each round3 Deadlifts 275/1857 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Left Arm 50/357 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Right Arm 50/35 “Empty Chamber” 3 x AMRAP 3 with a 2 Minute Rest in between each round7 Burpees14 Walking Lunges
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The weather is starting to heat up. Bring your water, be prepared to get sweaty and lift HEAVY. Tomorrow we will build to a heavy and stay there for 5 sets. Stay and Play. Workout of the Day Power Clean 5 sets of 5 Build to a HEAVY in 10 minutes. Take 10 minutes to complete 5 sets of 5.
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We will be doing “Murph” on the 4th of July. We wanted to make sure you were back in tip-top shape before we throw that at ya! With the time away from the gym, it’s still surprising how intensity gets raised with a few people standing in 7 foot boxes. I curious how the soreness levels have changed over the last few days of training. We will get ourselves Murph ready in a short time. Class at 9am – get signed up on MindBody! Workout of the Day “One Armed Bandit” Around RL Davis 3 RoundsMove Forward to the cone with your dumbbell10 Dumbbell Snatch Left Arm10 Dumbbell Overhead Squat or Lunge Left Arm10 Dumbbell Snatch Right Arm10 Dumbbell Overhead Squat or Lunge Right ArmMove Forward to the Next Cone with your Dumbbell10 Dumbbell Power Cleans Left Hand10 Dumbbell Front Squats Left Hand10 Dumbbell Power Cleans Right Hand10 Dumbbell Front...
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