New website, who dis?

Make sure you get a chance to check out the new website! We still have some pictures to change up, but we love the new look.

When you open it up through a mobile browser window, you can text your friends when they tell you “I would love to come to a class with you!” All referrals will get you a 20% off your next month’s membership.

Text your friends!

Workout of the Day

“Fully Loaded”

3 x AMRAP 3 with a 2 Minute Rest in between each round
3 Deadlifts 275/185
7 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Left Arm 50/35
7 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead Right Arm 50/35

“Empty Chamber”

3 x AMRAP 3 with a 2 Minute Rest in between each round
7 Burpees
14 Walking Lunges