
Workout of the Day “It’s a Complex Complex” 5 Heavy Sets of the following complex Power CleanHang Squat CleanFront SquatFront SquatShoulder to Overhead
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We are prepping for “Murph” on Saturday, 4th of July. There is only one class that day, no cap. Class will be at 9am. We will be using all three pull-ups rigs for Saturday. If you are concerned about the congestion around the pull-up rig and would prefer not to be around that, kettlebell swings are also an option. You will not be able to do your pushups and air squats under the rig – for safety. We will continue “Murph” training this week on Monday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday workouts are planned to keep your hands fresh for Saturday. Thank you to our new Zoom friends and the Out Foundation for today’s “Stonewall” WOD (This is why I am never in pictures, LOL) Workout of the Day 1/2 TabataTabataPullupsPushupsSitupsAirSquats Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP 55 Med Ball Cleans 20/145 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
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Don’t forget the #infiltrate WOD on Sunday at 7am! Workout of the Day 21-15-9-6-3Power Cleans 95/65Handstand Pushup
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Our Into the Zone! Challenge (do over) finished up this past Sunday. You may or may not remember, this challenge began the week before we shut down. We had a zoom conference or two, tried to keep up, but in the end decided to have a three week scramble once the gym opened back up was the best decision. Katie, Lizzie(Canadian) and Victoria tended to their Google documents while blocking out carbs, fats and proteins. In the end, Lizzie finished strong, completing the google document daily, with a final score of 154 points. She was on target almost every meal and snack. Awesome. Lizzie will be receiving a fresh produce box from the Sons Farm Stand of Oakdale, CA, to help continue her journey of good nutritional choices! Congratulations, Lizzie! Workout of the Day 11 minute running clock3×3 minute AMRAP with 1 minute rest between efforts 6 BB snatch 95/65...
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Workout of the Day EMOM 20 3 Deadlifts Recommended weight is 275/185.
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