
Workout of the Day EMOM 10In the first 15 seconds, perform as many Double Under as possible.In the remaining minute, perform a clean from the ground, any style. Your score is your double under number and your weight lifted.
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Much like the CrossFit Games…I’m back. I haven’t written a real post in what seems like forever. The 2020 CrossFit Games is actually happening this weekend – much like 2020, it’s gonna be different and weird. But it’s happening. I think the upheaval at CrossFit HQ in May was probably needed. Greg Glassman built the company with his ideas and chutzpah. His quick, mean, wit got him into big trouble, but I think the real driver was the Crossfit Games. The old CEO was kind of like a genius drunk uncle. He built this incredible thing into a billion dollar, but he was pissed that his nephews took part of it a built something just as cool, a billion dollar sport, on its back. Our crazy old uncle punished them by relegating them to the kids table. But the kids wouldn’t be denied, and when the crazy drunk uncle got...
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Workout of the Day EMOM 20 3 Deadlifts Score is total load of deadlifts
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Workout of the Day Fran training9-7-5-3-1Thruster 95/65PullupRest 3 Minutes7-5-3-1ThrusterPullupRest 2 minutes5-3-1ThrusterPullupRest 1 Minute3-1ThrusterPullupRest 30 seconds1 Thruster1 Pullup
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With COVID happening, out retreat to the Facebook group and all “speakeasy life” I am not sure how many people read this. (LOL this is Alison so be prepared.) I just spent the evening with my kids, talking about “how are you doing? No seriously. How are you DOING?” in life, in school, in whatever. There is no precedent. There is no baseline. For kids and teachers alike in California, everyone is moving forward, taking that gentle step, trying to see if it is stable. FYI: If you know a teacher, thank them. I would say hug, but you know, Corona. We talked about how different life is. We also talked about how you can’t make perceptions on what you thought was going to happen. So, if you are a freshman in high school, while you want to say this is much harder than high school, do you really know?...
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