
Nutritional Seminar is at 6:30pm. CrossFit classes at 4:30 and 5:30pm. The Talent Code review. Once again, page talent is important, rx but there is no substitute for hard work and persistence. I’m interested in the “Martinez-isms” that Tom Brady carries around. Coyle describes the path to skill in the steps, I really liked the part on Total Concentration. Coyle observes this as being deeply focused, getting into the zone when you can make the small corrections. Near the end of the video, they talk about the stressing of the skill circuits. Coyle describes the “Golden Second”, where an error is made, a realization occurs, and a correction is made. Coyle also describes the feelings of stress and frustration as essential to making us better. It’s never easy, is it? Mike N. not only can move the barbell, but ripped off 8 consecutive kipping pull-ups for the first time during...
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Nutritional Seminar – Don’t forget, story the Nutritional Seminar is being held on Tuesday at 6:30pm.  CrossFit classes will be held at 4:30 and 5:30pm.   We have some Athletes signed up for the 2012 Survivor Mud run.  This is being held in Lathrop at Del Osso Farms on April 21, nurse 2012.  We have a coupon code that is good until February. If you sign up before January 11th, the price is $43. From January 11th until mid march, the cost jumps up to $57. Our coupon will get you $5 off the cost of the run. It is exciting to have a run so close to home. The run itself is under 3.5 miles and will contain at least 16 down and dirty obstacles. If you haven’t done a mud run yet, this is just plain fun. If your new to CrossFit, this is a great goal to...
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What It Takes by Jim Wendler. Wendler is a power lifter that created the extremely effective Wendler 5/3/1 protocol. I love the no BS approach to training. There’s no “secret sauce” or magic pill. Just discipline and consistency. Taking Risks. You could call this article one of my favorite CrossFit sayings: Get comfortable with uncomfortable. We’ll be holding another free, purchase Bring a Friend WOD on Saturday at 9am. The attendance has been outstanding! It’s been so good, page we’ve had to adjust our policy a bit for non-members to keep things fair. Please check out the Schedule and Pricing page. Nutrition Seminar is Tuesday Night at 6:30pm. Free to CFO Athlete’s $10 for Guests. We will be also be discussing our 4 week Paleo Challenge which starts January 16th. Workout of the Day 9am A WOD with Kettlebell Swings, rx Pushups, and Front Squats. 10am Advanced WODClub #1 “Cindy...
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“Barbell Training is Big Medicine”. This is one of the best fitness related articles I have ever seen. I know hundreds of men and women that the doctor describes: resigned to their poor health. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY! Please forward this article on. CrossFit Oakdale is selling C20 Coconut water for $2 a can. We can take cash or bill your account. Get it while it lasts! Remember, drug CFO will be hosting a Nutrition Seminar on Tuesday, decease January 10 at 6:30pm. No 6:30 class that night. Classes will be bumped up…CrossFit at 4:30pm and 5:30pm that day. Alison and I signed up for the WODClub Open, price an Online CrossFit competition. It’s $10 for 3 WODs over 3 weeks: a similar format to the CrossFit Games Open Sectionals. I love these online comps: they provide interesting WODs with nearly instant feedback on your fitness level....
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Are You Ignorant When It Comes to the Deadlift? When Rip speaks, page you listen.   Ignite the Fire by Katie Hogan.  Nice article about mental preparations for competition.  This applies really nicely to 1 Rep Max (1RM) attempts.  Any time your going to move more weight, more about or go faster, than you ever have in your life, you need to get in the right place in your head.  How you do that is up to you, but you need to know how YOU do it.  I hope that makes sense…     Forwards or backwards? Workout of the Day   Strength Deadlift Find your 1RM   Metcon 50 Double Unders 10 Burpees 40 Double Unders 10 Burpees 30 Double Unders 10 Burpees 20 Double Unders 10 Burpees 10 Double Unders 10 Burpees Double Under Sub is 2 for 1 singles, 1 for 1 backwards
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