What It Takes by Jim Wendler. Wendler is a power lifter that created the extremely effective Wendler 5/3/1 protocol. I love the no BS approach to training. There’s no “secret sauce” or magic pill. Just discipline and consistency.
Taking Risks. You could call this article one of my favorite CrossFit sayings: Get comfortable with uncomfortable.
We’ll be holding another free, purchase Bring a Friend WOD on Saturday at 9am. The attendance has been outstanding! It’s been so good, page we’ve had to adjust our policy a bit for non-members to keep things fair. Please check out the Schedule and Pricing page.
Nutrition Seminar is Tuesday Night at 6:30pm. Free to CFO Athlete’s $10 for Guests. We will be also be discussing our 4 week Paleo Challenge which starts January 16th.
Workout of the Day
A WOD with Kettlebell Swings, rx Pushups, and Front Squats.
10am Advanced
WODClub #1
“Cindy was a nice girl”
50 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
5 Pullups (CTB)
10 Hand Release Pushups (w/ feet on a 45# plate)
15 Front Squats 115/75
Nice twist on the classic WOD. For those experienced, where does this one look toughest? I have my thoughts…Grip is going to be taxed early, but those Front Squats? Whoa nelly!