I went to college at a strange place, erectile The Citadel, a state military college in South Carolina. For all 4 years, but mainly in the first year (known as plebe/knob year) you are given a series of tasks meant to overwhelm you, and force you to keep your composure and make decisions. It’s basically a 4 year leadership lab, as the ability to stay cool and composed is essential to nearly any task, especially leading men and women. From day one, upperclassmen would shout commands to get you worked up. This concept was applied to every aspect of life: academics, physical fitness, personal appearance, you name it. When you stared screwing stuff up, whether it was tying you shoes, pouring a drink or marching, an upperclassman would scream “DON’T SPAZ!” I wouldn’t be surprised if a teach told me not to “spaz” when I was there. While “Don’t...
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