Mental toughness from Casey Burgener (of the Burgener warm up)! Great words from brother to sister on mental toughness, ask which Casey defines as commitment. I’ve read this post before, but Tricia’s re-posting really made it sink in. Commitment is easy when you’ve really decided what you want. FT vs. ST from Talk to Me Johnny. I generally keep strength sets low: I like heavy (but not 1RM) singles, 3s and 5s. I have played with 20RM sets that John is talking about. About a year ago, I attempted 20 at 225. My first time, I got 14 reps, and I went up 1 rep per week for a month to 6 weeks, until I hit 18. That felt easy, so my next set a week later, I went for it and did 225×21. This set left me messed up for 2 weeks. Surprisingly, my 1 rep max didn’t move,...
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