The Most Important Question You Can Ask

The Most Important Question You Can Ask from the HBR.
Quick thoughts on the Open.  CrossFit teaches the use of couplets and triplets (2 or 3 exercises smashed together and repeating) when programming.  So far both WODs are “single modalities”; one movement, pills repeating.  This is easy to score and mentally challenging, but, in my opinion, not as fun as the more familiar CrossFit WODs.  The first WOD was incredibly inclusive.  12.2 is not as much.  You will need to be pretty good at the Snatch, an incredibly advanced movement, and be able to perform it at heavier loads.  But it’s still early.

 Post WOD Community

Workout of the Day
Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes.
50 Push Press/Jerk
40 Pullups
30 Cleans
20 Toes to Bar
10 Clean and Jerks
Mens – 95, Ladies – 65