
            After 3 weekends of action packed adventure at semi-exotic locations, there we’re back!  It seemed like forever, seek but tomorrow we’ll have a “normal” Saturday.  Hanging out, working hard, and having fun with TEAM CFO!  Can’t wait.  Please bring a friend and we’ll do some work!     Workout of the Day 9am We’ll play it by ear.  We did a Cindy-ish WOD 2 weeks ago, so we’ll see who is there and have some fun. 10am Proanox “Diamond of the Tough” Qualifier WOD 1 10 min to establish 3RM Back Squat Rest 3 “Cindy” 20 Minute AMRAP of 5 Pullups 10 Hand Release Pushups 15 squats There are some particulars to discuss.  I’d like everyone to have a judge, so we will likely run 2 heats.
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As I stated last week, prescription we’ll be doing “Minute by Minute” on Friday.  We will need to be on our game to get all this accomplished, help so please review the movements.  We will go over each movement, but not as in depth as we normally do.  We’ll review the movement, then cut you loose to get prepped and set up scaling if needed.  Remember, we want to re-do this WOD in 3-4 months to test improvement, so document what you did, and make sure any scaling options are repeatable.   Here are some scaling options for the WOD. Both the weightlifting movements can be done, even if only with a dowel.  If you have a restriction, let us know. Box Jumps: Height can be lowered, can sub with step ups. Pullups:  Sub with jumping pullups or ring rows.  Please be conservative with plates to stand on, to reach...
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With the 10k Kettlebell Swing challenge in full swing (haha!), about it I wanted to share this great write up from CJ Martin at CrossFit Invictus.   CJ points out what proper swing mechanics look like, visit and how to test those mechanics.  Many of us are training for general health and fitness.  Make sure you maintain a neutral spine throughout your swings.  If you are thinking about competition, you will need to understand and master the bottoms up, overhead position.  Ask a coach about this “CrossFit competition” swing.   As I’m sure you’re finding out, 10k swings is a true challenge.  Getting through it will take persistence and fortitude.  And skipping a day?  That just means more tomorrow.  Remember, any type of swing is permitted (American, Russian, Hybrid {eyebrow}, one hand, alternating hands – just swing it).  And yes, today’s WOD swings will count for the challenge.   Ashly...
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Something We Learned at the Olympics by Matt Foreman of Catalyst Athletics.  This article starts out as a review of disappointing no-show of 2 Olympic lifters.  But by the end, information pills it’s about why we compete, case set goals, and most importantly, dream.  Even if the goals and dreams are lofty.  It’s awesome, and it hit me when I wasn’t looking.  I’ve read 10 times since yesterday.  I’d like to paint the walls of the gym with the last 2 paragraphs.   I watched the video below, and it’s striking the difference between countries.  The USA won a lot of medals, and I’m proud of my country.  But, our expectations might be a little warped.  I listened to a sports talk radio jerk-off complain about Michael Phelps 19th medal, making him the most decorated Olympian, being a bronze.  Like we should only care about gold medals.  This video was...
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How Do I Lift When Injured? from Mark Bell.  Bell is a power lifter.  Notice he doesn’t recommend to stop training.  He recommends gear (meh), adiposity nutrition (aha!) and mobility work/preventative maintenance (duh!).  If there’s one thing I’ve learned in years of training, see when you go hard, and at a high level, injuries happen.   Would you think you could get hurt playing golf?  Tiger Woods shredded his knee by just swinging a golf club.  I’m no Woods fan, but he worked so hard at his game, he developed severe overuse injuries.  At the very least, I respect the drive.  We can say injuries are rare in CrossFit, which they are relative to other sports.  But if you keep pushing, you will develop injuries or potential injuries.  Every time I go to a Chiro or Bowen spe#t, they notice my hamstrings are very tight.  I have been lucky (knock...
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