Minute by Minute

As I stated last week, prescription we’ll be doing “Minute by Minute” on Friday.  We will need to be on our game to get all this accomplished, help so please review the movements.  We will go over each movement, but not as in depth as we normally do.  We’ll review the movement, then cut you loose to get prepped and set up scaling if needed.  Remember, we want to re-do this WOD in 3-4 months to test improvement, so document what you did, and make sure any scaling options are repeatable.
Here are some scaling options for the WOD.
Both the weightlifting movements can be done, even if only with a dowel.  If you have a restriction, let us know.
Box Jumps: Height can be lowered, can sub with step ups.
Pullups:  Sub with jumping pullups or ring rows.  Please be conservative with plates to stand on, to reach bars, as the plates will be used for weightlifting.
Pistols: Sub with assisted pistols (hold wall, bar, etc).  Box pistols are ok, too.
Handstand Pushups:  Sub with plate depth on wall.  You may use boxes to raise your legs.  Scaling will be limited here (building a plate/ab mat target for your head), because equipment will be taken for other purposes (weightlifting).
Doubleunders: Sub attempts.


Workout of the Day
“Minute By Minute”
Perform in the following order:
5 minutes to determine max Hang Snatch
Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Pullups
Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Pistols (alternating legs)
Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Hand Stand Pushups
Rest 1 minute
1 minute max Doubleunders
Rest 1 minute
5 minutes to determine max hang clean
Add weights of both lifts and total reps from all movements to determine your score.  For the weightlifting movements, the bar can be loaded with your first attempt before the clock starts.