
I’ve had some questions in recent weeks about cleanses.  Cleanses are basically periods of time (I’ve seen 3, visit web 7 and 10 day cleanses) where you fast, only consuming a tea made of simple ingredients.  The goal if these cleanses is usually dramatic weight loss, but there are added benefits, such as giving your internal system a break from constantly eating to clearing and clearing out you digestive system.  The negative?  You don’t get to eat.  Your energy levels will plummet, your workouts would have to cease, and your fitness would suffer.   I personally would not recommend a cleanse, but I am still curious.  Thinking about a cleanse brought me back to Intermittent Fasting (IF).  IF is basically fasting for short periods anywhere from 16 to 36 hours.   Mark’s Daily Apple on IF Leangains IF.  This is the IF Protocol Mark’s Daily Apple recommended for people that...
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CrossFit Oakdale had a great weekend.  Team CFO took on Barbell’s For Boobs at CrossFit Parabellum on Saturday and several of our “master’s” athletes took on Proanox WOD 2 on Monday.   Chance and I, # Bob and Denny, price Tricia and Alison, Kirk and Tolla, Jessika L, Robin and Jen along with Hannah and Brody, Finn and Kate, Dylan, Jack, and Will took the challenges of Karen Meets  Grace and 30 burpees for time (for the kids).   For many, this was the first taste of a competitive CrossFit environment.  It was a great, positive atmosphere, the nerves were high and the competition was fierce.  Hopefully, there were some lessons learned.   The highlight of the event was cheering on Tolla as she powered through her final reps as Team CFO gathered around.  Great stuff!   First: If you’re paying attention, you see varied judging and reps.  The best...
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Team CFO had a great showing at the Karen Meets Grace at CrossFit Parabellum.  I’ll write more about it tomorrow.   CFO will be open on Labor Day with our Saturday hours, # 60mg 9am bring a friend and 10am Team CFO.   Proanox Athletes:  WOD 2 has rowing in it.  If you would like to get started at 9am, and please come in and we’ll run heats.   I have a WOD in mind for 9am, order but we’ll see who shows up.  It’s called the “Air Force WOD”.  Google it, if you dare…   Proanox WOD 2 is tough, but if we can run a group WOD after we run our master’s athletes through it, I’d like to try it.
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Team CFO will be heading to CrossFit Parabellum Saturday morning to participate in the Karen meets Grace fundraiser/grand opening. There are no Saturday classes. We will be at CFO between 8:50a and 9:05a, this then we will head to Turlock.  We plan on being there no later than 9:45a. They haven’t posted heats or times yet, but I will keep checking.  I will post updates on Facebook. If you’re thinking about coming, make the trip.  It will be fun, and we may make a food trip to my favorite taco shop in the county!
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How to be Successful at the Gym from CrossFit Invictus.  I like this simple list.  For many of us, website like this consistency becomes the key to success (notice how they put it first). Once you become consistent in your regimen, buy I find other things fall into place: nutrition, more about rest, mobility.  If you are being consistent, the community aspect will fall into place as well, as you will hopefully see the same faces as you put in the work together. ******************************************************************************************************** A quick note on the 6:30pm WOD Thursday night. If you haven’t read the above link, you should read that first. 6:30pm class was BEASTLY. Almost every single person, guys and gals alike were rocking pullups. It was great to watch. My shout out for the evening’s AWESOMENESS goes to Conney and Melissa. They follow all of the 5 tips in the above article. They are inaugural...
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