I spent 3 days last week at Outlaw Camp, story training with some of the best CrossFit and weightlifting coaches in the country. It was an excellent event, price and well worth the money. It was geared toward experienced CrossFitters, and you needed to understand the “language” of CrossFit to get the most out of it. I would recommend this camp to experienced CrossFitters. Rudy Nielsen, the head Outlaw, has an near encyclopedic knowledge of CrossFit WODs in nearly all their forms. All that knowledge, with a deep desire and thoughtfulness in how to get better led Rudy to create the Outlaw Way. The reason I was attracted to the Outlaw Way is that Rudy and I generally believe the same things about CrossFit. His first belief is “Everything is Everything”, meaning everything we do should carry over, or have transference, into everything else we do. I completely agree...
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