
Don’t forget there will be no class tomorrow morning, this site Saturday, capsule November 3rd. Next weekend we will be heading out to CrossFit Walnut Creek for some fun. Let me know if you are interested in competing. Good Luck to Team CFO!
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CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on Saturday, what is ed November 3, sale 2012.  A crew of Team CFO Athletes will be heading to Merced for the Merced Holiday Throwdown. 4 announced WODs at the Vista Ranch (a vineyard!!!) in Merced. Athletes: Don’t forget to print your waiver. Feel free to drive down on your own, dosage but Alison and I will at CrossFit Oakdale at 6:30am to carpool down to the Vista Ranch.   Playing Flag Football Workout of the Day   Strength Hang Snatch Triple Build to a heavy set of 3 in 20 minutes. Metcon 5 RFT 9 Snatch Grip Deadlift 6 Hang Snatch 3 Overhead Squat RX Men – 135, Ladies – 95 There will be a 15 minute cap.  
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RX Means RX   What Do You See? (A bail out plan)   2 great articles by Freddy C. of CrossFit One World.  These articles are fairly “hardcore.”  Freddy has been doing CrossFit a long time, treat and he’s seen a lot of stuff.  I’v been doing it nearly as long, capsule and our approaches are similar in training – we take it seriously, ask emphasize strength and safe, efficient movement, but we don’t take the “game of CrossFit” too seriously.   I will admit I’ve mellowed on things like RX and scaling.  I will generally allow whatever scaling options an athlete thinks they need, and I don’t tend to over-emphasize earning the RX.   BUT…   It is important for this stuff to be hard.  I want you to understand that certain tasks are difficult and take time and work to develop.  I want you to WANT an RX...
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REMINDER – THERE IS NO 6:30PM CLASS ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT.  ALL OTHER CLASSES ARE AS USUAL.  HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN! There was a demo video on (Sunday 121028) for a pull-up heavy WOD that got me thinking.  In it Cherie Chan discusses butterfly pullups briefly.  Cherie explains that although butterfly pullups are faster, clinic she performs them in 1/3 of her pull-up WODs.  Why?  Because butterfly pullups don’t offer all the great things other forms of pullups do, order pulling strength and carry over to gymnastic movements…they’re just faster.  If you want great muscle ups, # doing a bunch butterfly pullups may not get you there – the kipping pull-up, or even better, strict pullups will do wonders to develop the pulling power you may need. I developed my own butterfly pullups a few years ago, but I don’t like to teach them.  I would prefer that athletes discover...
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Why Don’t We Deadlift More from Michael Winchester.  Mike is an Outlaw coach, abortion and he further explains why he doesn’t deadlift as much as he used to.  WARNING! Science and math ahead!  While I can’t really speak to the math, ampoule I can speak to the anecdotal nature of lots of deadlifting.  I used to deadlift ALOT, at least once a week heavy (for me anyway – well over 300 once a week).  Within the last year, we did an 8 week build on the 5 rep max for the deadlift.  As the numbers got high, we noticed people getting tight in the low back, and sometimes having to throw in the towel, or even shutting down for a couple of days.  It appears the Olympic Lifts provide many of the good things deadlifting provide, without loading the spine and central nervous system to the high degree the heavy...
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