
We’ll be adding some more squatting to the program over the coming weeks.  Every week, unhealthy we will High Bar Back Squat once and Front Squat once.  We will be using percentages of our 1RM to perform multiple reps (3’s and 5’s) over multiple sets (3’s and 5’s) of the HBBS and the FS.  Please know your numbers that you want to hit. I am seriously debating making Wednesday a straight conditioning WOD, buy information pills moving that from Thursday.  So, decease strength on Mon/Tue and Thu/Fri.  As always, each strength session will be followed by a conditioning session. Every once in a while, I get handed a book that ruins my life until I finish it.  Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand was one of those books.  Unbroken the is the true story of Louis Zamperini, and his amazing life as an Olympian, a bombardier in WWII, his amazing survival at...
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WARNING: Fitness related digression ahead! I was having a discussion with a CFO athlete recently about how the barbell tends to beat them up, medical especially on the bony parts of their body.  My response was you need to be like Walter Payton. For those of you that don’t care about football or are too young to remember, healing Walter Payton was a running back for the Chicago Bears, and he played the bulk of his career in the 70’s and 80’s.  Growing up, I was a huge NFL fan, and even though I root for the Giants, I loved Walter Payton.  Now, the NFL has changed a lot, and guys like Walter Payton seem to be less and less relevant as fantasy football, video game passing stats and reduced hitting has made the NFL kind of vanilla (in my opinion). As a kid, before the days of ESPN, Sports...
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CrossFit Oakdale is back to a regular schedule starting tomorrow!  We hope you had a great holiday and are fired up to train hard in 2013! The CFO Eat Well, more about Live Better Challenge briefing is at 7:30pm on Wednesday.  We hope to see you there.  Please make sure you have your check for the body fat testing.  The BF testing is on Saturday between 8am-12pm. This is a shortened week for our strength training.  But that doesn’t mean we won’t be moving heavy stuff.  Wednesday will be the final day of the Deadlift 5RM.  Be ready to pick up heavy stuff safely.  As the weights get heavy, have a target weight in mind and a plan to get there. We will be Back Squatting on Friday and will be starting a heavy 3×3 based on 65% of your 1RM HBBS.  We will begin an 8 week build on...
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Happy New Year!  If you’re partying tonight, # 40mg please be careful out there.  If you’re drinking, please don’t drive. Please stay tuned for upcoming announcements on competitions, seminars and upcoming events. Make sure to add CrossFit Oakdale to your interest list  on Facebook to get updates of our goings on. Also, please remember the 2013 Eat Well, Live Better Challenge Wednesday, January 2nd at 7:30pm. Don’t forget to bring cash or check to register for the Body Fat Test. Times available for testing on Saturday are 9:30-1pm. You need to avoid eating 2 hours before the testing. You should take a shower and avoid all makeup/hair product/lotions before the test. Please bring a towel and a swimsuit for the test. Alison will be going over the testing process at the Challenge Seminar. $39 for Challenge participants per test. We will be retesting 6 weeks out. Workout of the Day...
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Tomorrow I will be putting out the 2013 Goal Sheets. Please take one and fill it out. Let’s start a new year with some ideas in mind of where we want to be heading. There is a section for goals related to CrossFit/Fitness and also a personal section. Personal goals are just as important as your fitness related ones. Over the past few months (ok this year) I haven gotten bogged down with things and have cut out something really important in my life. At the end of my day for the past 8 months I have hid under the covers and played on my iPhone. Yes I have read all of the articles that say the best rest comes when there is no tv/iPhone/Kindle/video games/any technological devices at all. But give me an iPhone and a zombie killing game and I am soon drifting off to sleep. By doing...
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