Alison and I, view along with the Wesslings, approved took a road trip to LA to visit the Fitness Expo. This was our first interaction with the greater “fitness” community. The room was filled with body builders, sildenafil Zumba masters, supplement hawkers, pole dancers, sumo wrestlers, strong men and more. It was a sight. CrossFit had it’s own little corner with the “Battle of the Boxes” going on, which was a standard team affiliate competition. The reason we traveled to SoCal was to take on the CrossFit Kids obstacle course. The highlight of the event for me was meeting Jeff and Mikki Martin. Alison got to meet them back in 2010 when she attended Kids Seminar. The Martin’s are one of the original affiliate owners, running Brand X in Ramona, CA. The Martin’s created the CrossFit Kids program and are the originators of scaled versions of .com WODs. ...
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