
2 CrossFit Oakdale teams competed in the Barbarian Throwdown at Barbarian Strength and Conditioning on Saturday.  For those of you unfamiliar with the Medina’s (the owners of BS&C), web please watch this amazing video. [youtube] Jen and Christine and Louis and I competed in 4 tough WODs and ended the day with second place finishes.  Jen and Christine actually tied for 1st after 4 WODs, # sale and lost to an experienced team from CrossFit Lodi in a tiebreaker. Both teams won the 4th, price and most difficult WOD of the day – 40 deadlifts 335/205, 30 muscle ups and 20 push jerk 165/115, split it anyway you want.  Jen and Christine pulled 205 (a heavy deadlift for the both of them) safely, quickly and effectively and Jen carried the muscle ups to a first place finish.  Lou and I finished the deadlifts and the muscle ups, and I...
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***Lou, drug Brian, Jen & Christine are competing as teams at the Barbarian Throwdown in Manteca, CA tomorrow. It starts at 9am and is located 262 Button Ave in Manteca, CA. If you are free, come swing by and cheer them on. It is rare to have a competition this close. The WOD’s are cool and it should be a fun show.*** If you haven’t see any of the photos from Breanne Ash Photography of CrossFit Oakdale Athletes, you clearly aren’t friends with us on Facebook. Which means you SHOULD be. They are amazing. We are GORGEOUS. Here, Here and Here. Breanne entered a photo into an online contest and is currently in the top 19. But she needs VOTES! If you haven’t had a chance yet to vote for Breanne Ash’s entry, please do so NOW! You have until Tuesday. Vote HERE. The entry is called CrossFit. Saturday 9am...
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Preorders for Sweatshirts are being taken! The cost of each sweatshirt is $49 plus tax for preorder, visit $55 after. These sweatshirts are nicer than the ones we currently have…thicker and better quality. You can get them in collegiate blue (think Wallball target stripe) or red. You will need to specify zip up hoodie or pullover. Design will be the same on both. Children’s sizes will be $29 for preorder, $35 after. T-shirts will be Next Level ladies “sporty” v-neck (not as deep as the Fran ones) with the shield logo(image in the bottom right) on the front lower side in red. Men’s will be in navy with the shield logo across the chest. T-shirts will be $20 for preorder, $25 after. Orders for the iPhone case ($18) will need to be in and paid for by Monday January 28th. Sweatshirts and T-shirts will need to be paid for at...
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70s Big on Sleep.  If there is a fitness understanding continuum, # 40mg I believe it begins with intensity (exercise) which leads to insulin (nutrition) and ends with cortisol (stress).  If we can begin to understand the effects of stress on our body and life, we are well on the way to a life of fitness. Sitting is the Smoking of Our Generation from the Harvard Business Review.  The Walking Meeting?  Rad! So Long Lance.  Next, 21st Century Doping from the New York Times.  Trevor & Paul: Diane Flashbacks Workout of the Day   Strength Front Squat 3 sets of 3, 80% of 1RM   Metcon For time 30 Squat Cleans 185/115  
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Intensity by Jeff Martin.  Alison and I had the pleasure of meeting Jeff and Mikki Martin on Saturday.  I actually had this article on my phone when I met them – I wish I would have remembered so I could have shown him.  I love his writing on The Specific.  5, rx 6 and 7 stand out – the advice is simple, but powerful. The Open is quickly approaching.  Registration will open next week and before you know it, WOD 13.1 will be announced.  CFO athletes are crushing the barbell right now – we’re seeing PR’s and legit big lifts daily.  As I said before, I’m working lots of burpees into the WODs so we’re ready when they come.  In your extra work, practicing chest to bar pullups, wall ball shots, toes to bar and box jumps will pay dividends.  Oh, and double unders.  Always with the double unders! 5-10...
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