
I’ve watched this video probably a dozen times since I found it Friday night.  Mark Bell sums it up so well, nurse there is really very little for me to say.  There’s probably 5 epic lines in there, easy.  BE ADVISED There is bad language.  Also, don’t watch this video in bed at 10pm.  Your desire to sleep may be over come by your desire to rip a heavy barbell off the floor.  Excellent use of Metallica, too. [youtube] Workout of the Day “Fran” 21-15-9 Thruster 95/65 Pullups
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This past weekend CrossFit Oakdale and CrossFit Kids Oakdale brought their teams to the Relay for Life at the Oakdale High School. All money raised through Relay for Life goes to the American Cancer Society, information pills supporting research for the cure of all types of Cancer.    I am not sure how many other teams there were on the field this weekend, but each and every booth had a reason to fight. They fought for their family members who have lost their battle and they fought for the survivors that walked the field with them. They did all of this with a smile.   This is a 24 hour event…so in the hot sun people are walking and in the cold damp morning people are walking. Each team sets up a booth with fundraisers. One booth had a beautiful purple VW Bug (old School) painted with types of cancer....
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Thank you to everyone who came out to the high school for Relay for Life this weekend…we will be doing a recap on the weekend in tomorrow’s post, this site once we have the totals for our fundraising. On Sunday, more about we hung 2 more sets of rings and 2 sets or ropes.  We will review rope climbing techniques in the coming weeks.  If you try muscle ups, remember there is more “give” on the longer cables.  You may find muscle ups tougher, especially on the dip portion.  This also gives us more options for Toes to Rings. PLEASE take extra care with your children and the ropes.  We will try to get them off the floor this week, but kids love to play on ropes.  These ropes will be kid magnets.  They are not meant for swinging.  If your child wants to climb, and there is not a...
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Just a reminder that there are no classes tomorrow – come and visit us at the Oakdale High School Soccer Field for Relay For Life. You can spin the WOD Wheel…all up to fate…and work out with us there. Our next upcoming event is Regionals! Memorial Day weekend in Santa Rosa. Let us know what days you can make it. Also- we are ordering special commemorative  t-shirts. This is a one time only deal – so let me know if you want to order. You can check them out on Facebook. There are a few things I would like to throw out for Summer Events. We did rafting and Modesto Nuts last year. They were a ton of fun. Thinking Stand Up Paddle Boarding, clinic Modesto Nuts game, troche field trip to a Trampoline gym…other ideas are greatly welcome. Looking to find out if during the week is better, or...
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This weekend is Relay for Life at the Oakdale High School! First thing I want to say is THANK YOU to everyone who has donated – whether it be money, illness raffle prizes or tables and tents. This is our first year taking on this challenge and it could not happen without you guys! There will be no classes at CrossFit Oakdale on Saturday. BUT you can come down and work out with us and support all of the other teams as well. From what I hear there are a ton of booths where teams are selling food and items, drug with the proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. We will be having a spinner wheel with mini workouts on it in which you can either challenge someone outright or perform the WOD and get your name on the leaderboard. Top names will receive prizes. The kids tent will...
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