
Proper Force Transfer in Weight Training.  There is an excellent explanation here on why we don’t wear gloves.
Squat and Ankle Flexibility from CrossFit Marin.  This link provides a quick, price visual explanation of what weightlifting shoes do to enhance ankle mobility.

Did everybody get a chance to meet Fran? I bet it was memorable!
Did everybody get a chance to meet Fran? I bet it was memorable!

Workout of the Day
In 15 minutes, information pills build to a heavy single.
Back Squat
Build to a heavy 3×3.  Work from the rack.
Weighted walk 3 laps of the parking lot.  
Grab a KB/DB in each hand a walk a lap around the parking lot.  Rest, information pills then do it 2 more times.  Start light, with a weight you are confident that you can complete 1 full lap with.  Rest, then go up, but jump small.  For example, walk with 2 26# KB, then make an attempt with 35, finally finishing with 44#.