
Info on Saturday’s Challenge: We are trying to field a competitive team for Caffeine and Kilos, this so we’ll use 3 Challenge WODs to determine who our top athletes are.  The WODs are meant be be challenging, buy information pills fast and fun.  If you feel like the workouts are too challenging, more about please feel free to scale.  You are more than welcome to workout if you need to scale.  We want to make this fun and challenging for everyone.  You’ve seen the WODS – they are not meant to be finished and you will receive a score even if you don’t finish.  Don’t stress, but this is our chance to go a little heavier than normal.   Lowell is bringing his smoker early, and I’m going to load it with 3 tri-tips and let them smoke until we finish the challenge.  Then we’ll devour some smoked meat, so...
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We are excited to be participating in the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge.  In the past, # 40mg CrossFit Oakdale has organized our own Paleo/Nutrition challenges, order and we thought it would be a fun change to do one on a greater scale.  The Lurong Challenge is all-emcompassing – it involves nutrition, thumb workouts, lifestyle and more in a scored environment.  There are Regions, Master’s Divisions, Skill levels and more.  There is literally something for everyone here. Check out the tab on the left side of the CrossFit Oakdale site, but here is a link to the Lurong rules page.  Many of your questions can be answered here – including the all important “what can I eat.” We will hold an participant briefing in early September before the challenge to address any questions and concerns.  Alison and I will be doing this challenge with you.   Saturday Challenge WOD #3 For...
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Wednesday’s benchmark WOD is “Angie” – 100 pullups, more about pushups, discount sit-ups and squats, chipper style.  To complete Angie as prescribed, you must do all 100 pullups, then all 100 pushups, etc until complete. Quick story.  The first time I did Angie as prescribed was in 2006.  I was living in NYC, and I did the WOD at my gym on a Sunday.  It took me a little over 17 minutes, which was really exciting.  I had a meeting in Washington DC the next day, so I drove down that Sunday night.  As I drove, I noticed my arms were locked tight on the steering wheel.  The next day, my meeting was in an unnamed location where people wear dark suits and walk around with very serious faces.  Sometime after lunch, I realized I could not straighten my arms.  I was wearing a suit, trying to massage and straighten...
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NEW “PALEO” Challenge!  The newest Paleo/Nutrition/whatever you prefer to call it challenge will be a little different this time.  We are very excited to be doing the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge (the tab is on the left side of our website).  The basics of this challenge are a whole ‘nother post, see so we will give you the fuller details on Wednesday night (for Thursday’s WOD).  The basics – you can begin signing up on August 16, the Challenge begins on September 16 and runs for 8 weeks.  It costs $50, and if we get 20 people to sign up, we can create a team, and work together in competing against other CrossFit affiliates.  There are a lot more details.  Feel free to read for yourself on the Lurong website. On August 31st, CFO will perform the not yet announced Hotshot 19 CrossFit WOD in support of the Granite Mountain...
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We’ve got a bunch of stuff on the calendar, sale so much that it will take a couple of days to cover what’s going on at CFO.  Keep your eyes on the website, and we’ll keep you in the loop. Wednesday’s benchmark WOD is “Angie” – 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats.  In a row.  Without jumping around.  Sound like fun?  If so, then you are a CrossFitter. GHD Challenge We’ll start a new challenge tomorrow – the GHD challenge.  This is a no frills challenge.  Here are the ground rules – start Monday with 2 GHD sit ups.  The next time you come to the gym, do 4.  The next time, do 6.  Go up by 2 each time you visit the gym.  The end goal is 60 unbroken GHD sit-ups in 30 visits to the gym.  You can’t do this one at home (well, I guess...
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