Wednesday’s benchmark WOD is “Angie” – 100 pullups, more about pushups, discount sit-ups and squats, chipper style. To complete Angie as prescribed, you must do all 100 pullups, then all 100 pushups, etc until complete. Quick story. The first time I did Angie as prescribed was in 2006. I was living in NYC, and I did the WOD at my gym on a Sunday. It took me a little over 17 minutes, which was really exciting. I had a meeting in Washington DC the next day, so I drove down that Sunday night. As I drove, I noticed my arms were locked tight on the steering wheel. The next day, my meeting was in an unnamed location where people wear dark suits and walk around with very serious faces. Sometime after lunch, I realized I could not straighten my arms. I was wearing a suit, trying to massage and straighten...
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