
Denny shared a story with me a few weeks ago.  He was squatting with Nick Pappas, price and was getting ready for a PR lift.  Denny may have been strategizing, when Nick told him “burn the boats.”  Nick told Denny that when Alexander the Great landed his army on a foreign shore, and the army griped, Alexander order the his own boats burn, giving his own army only one option fight or die.  Returning home was out of the question.  So, Nick wanted Denny to squat with the attitude of no surrender, make the lift or die trying. Now…Nick is Greek and he may have heard the story, but “burn the boats” has also been attributed to the Roman Julius Ceasar when he crossed the Rubicon and the Spanish Conquistador Herman Cortes when he landed in the New World such is history. What does this have to do with CrossFit? ...
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How to go #2 properly from  Guess what?  Squat!  There is a video for the squatty potty, view which I had not heard of, but Alison has seen the squatty potty.   There 2 EXPRESS CLASSES TOMORROW: at 12pm and 7:30pm. For today’s conditioning WOD, if you finish 7 rounds in under 7 minutes, your score is your time.  If not, do as many rounds/reps as possible in 7 minutes.  This is a high box jump – scale to a height that allows you to move steady, but quickly.  Consider jumping up and stepping down. High Box Jumps:  Take extra care to warm up your achilles, ankles and calves.  As fatigue sets in, jumping gets tough, especially to a higher box.  Wear socks, shin thingies (not a technical) term, or event pants to protect your sensitive shins.   Tuesday’s are usually pretty crowded.  Please be prepared to run this...
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I said on Facebook that Wednesday’s benchmark WOD had squatting and it’s a sprint – any guesses?  C’mon folks, what is ed it’s “Fran!”  I’m excited to see how everyone does after a good cycle of front squatting. We’re considering moving the 5:30am classes to Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri.  If you are a Zero Dark Thirty Warrior, let me know if you have thoughts. We’ll hold an express class this TUESDAY at 7:30pm.  That way it will not fall on a benchmark WOD day. We will hold one workout on next Labor Day, September 2nd, next Monday at 9am. We will hold a Lurong Paleo Challenge briefing at 7:30pm, next week on Tues – September 3rd.     Big shout out to Denny who is holding strong in 5th place of the Bounty Hunter Open. Denny has been off to the side, training and competing…you may have seen him get...
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9am Wall Ball, treatment Pullup & Jump Rope Triplet 10am 20 minute Snatch Session 50-35-20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 Pullups Double Unders
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GHD Update So, visit this site I’m in my second week of the GHD challenge.  I only do my GHDs on training days.  I am not doing catchup reps.  I train 5 days a week, so my GHD went from 2-10 in week 1, then 12-20 in week 2.  I just did 16 on Wednesday, so I’ll do 18 on Friday and 20 on Saturday.  Mix this with 3 WODs where we did over 100 sit-ups (Angie and the 2 Oly lift/situp WODs).  I am enjoying it, as I haven’t felt over tasked.  Yet.  I have done big sets of GHD in the past, but I’ve rarely gone over 30 consecutive GHD sit-ups.  I’m curious to see where this goes as the sets get bigger.  My goal is to do each set unbroken – for me this will mean really slowing down so it doesn’t become a conditioning drill.  I...
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