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3KM a day? Not sure how to track? Print out this PDF for easy tracking if you like to write it down on paper. More of a digital type of person? There is a 12 labors WOD daily in SugarWOD. Have fun! 12Labors-FebruaryDownload
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We have mentioned “the Open” at least 500 times over the past few weeks. Some of you may already be getting your potential costumes ready. Others may be nervous about that last sentence. But I assure you, it will be ok. More than ok, it will be GREAT. The CrossFit Open was introduced to us in 2011 and has been the feeder for the Games ever since. Initially 5 weeks of WOD’s, including almost every movement and most definitely a thruster, it has now been cut back to 3 weeks. We try to make the most out of those three weeks. Three weeks of workouts with royal treatment! You get someone to count your reps for you and you just have to perform them properly. Easy Peasy. There are RX workouts, scaled workouts and a foundations one for those very new to CrossFit. There is something for everyone. The gym...
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