Lurong WOD 4. Please review L1, site 2 and 3 options. It’s basically thrusters and T2B or sit-ups. The 2013 CrossFit Games will begin airing on ESPN tomorrow! I dumped cable a couple of years ago, order so I rarely get to see these productions. I’m sure many of you will get questions about CrossFit from folks who are learning about it the first time from ESPN. That still blows my mind – for many of us our introduction to CrossFit was through a website or finding a warehouse in a semi deserted parking lot. Paleo Update/Confessions I’m actually surprised how much I’m enjoying this challenge. I’ve “cheated” once, story at a wedding, and even then, the food was high quality and nutrient dense. Well, maybe not Todd’s beer, but it was delicious. I really miss cream in my coffee from time to time. When I go with cream, I...
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