
We hope you had a Merry Christmas!  No 5:30am class on Thursday, help all other class times are on.  Normal Schedule on Friday Workout of the Day Strength Week 4 of the Cube Shoulder Press 1 heavy set at 75% Use a thorough warmup.  This should be tough, rx I highly recommend going 95% of 1RM, then multiplying that by .75. Conditioning AMRAP 15 400m run 15 Snatch 95/65
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On Christmas Eve, website like this we’ll do a Hero WOD dedicated to Justin James, information pills “J.J.” a Marine from Florida who was killed in action in Afghanistan in March, 2010. The WOD is a couplet – an ascending ladder of squat cleans and a descending ladder of parallette handstand pushups.  We don’t have enough (or any) parrallette’s any more, but dumbbells should work fine for RX.  Other wise, we will scale HSPU as we normally do, using abmats or we’ll do pushups 2 for 1. Classes on Christmas Eve at 5:30am, 9am and 10am.    Workout of the Day “J.J.” 1-10 of Squat Cleans 185/115 10-1 of Handstand Pushups
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I just wanted to give you a quick sampling of the work we did on Saturday.  We had a great 9am class, approved opening with “Roxanne” and a solid preview of deadlifts and shoulder to overhead before partnering up and taking on a challenging 5 minute AMRAP of 3 heavy deadlifts on 7 moderate shoulder to overheads.  We cashed out the 9am and bought in the 10am classes together with a quick 10-8-6-4-2 1-arm DB Snatch with 10 squats after each round. We had a nice little reunion with Brady and Annie Marshall, # dosage who are back in the area for Christmas.  What do we do when we see old friends?  Make them exercise real hard! 10am then moved on to 5-4-3-2-1 Snatch at 165/105 with 50-40-30-20-10 doubleunders.  We definitely saw some scaling on the snatch weight and we still kept an aggressive 7 minute cap on the WOD. ...
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Saturday CrossFit at 9am and advanced at 10am.  I’m expecting some CFO alumni that are pretty good exercisers at 10am, link so bring you  A-game.  Lou has a plan to buddy pull his new sled around the loop after the WOD.  IN! Workout of the Day At 9am AMRAP 5 Deadlift 275/185 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 Yes, these are heavy numbers – but we will scale to your ability level. At 10am – I know I said I like the OPT WOD, but I think it may be logistically difficult. I’d like to do the DL/S2O WOD, but do a quick, heavy-ish Snatch/DU couplet first 5-4-3-2-1 Snatch 165/100 50-40-30-20-10 Double under
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Kirk and Joel both got their first muscle ups on Wednesday.  Great job guys.  Louis is our newest “muscle up whisperer, page ” coaching the guys to their first ascent on top of the rings.  Kirk told me the other day he had one more goal before the year was out – the first muscle up.  He got it with less than 2 weeks left in the year.  Clutch! Denny and Sam both taught their first classes this week.  It may be cold and the year is slowing down, sales but things are getting awesome at CFO. Workout of the Day Strength Week 3 of the Cube Back Squat 1 set of 8, salve 70% of 1RM Use a THOROUGH warm up before this attempt, 15-20 heavy-ish reps to get there.  Conditioning For time 50 Chest to Bar Pullups 100 Hand Release Pushups 150 Squats Run TL Davis Loop There is...
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