
14.2 drops at 5pm – we will have a test run at 6:30pm if you are interested.  For the first time in like, buy information pills forever, medicine I can’t make it due to work.  I’m going to do the WOD on Friday to test it out, shop homies.  My guess – a repeat of 12.3. How to Eat a Plant Based Diet and Not Die of Malnutrition from CrossFit Invictus.  This is a decent article if you haven’t spent some time on the Paleo diet. BUT…I was intrigued by the title because I thought there would be some additional insight besides “eat plants.”  There wasn’t.  I was curious about the “malnutrition” part as it effects performance.  When I have followed a paleo/primal diet, for the first couple of weeks I feel great.  As I continue to live the CrossFit lifestyle of challenging activity, I usually find it hard to...
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Sorry for the quick post tonight, thumb I left my laptop at the gym and had a band concert.  FYI – sitting on bleachers after doing a bunch of deadlifts is not the business. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Clean and Jerk Spend 15 minutes building to a heavy, but technically perfect, Clean and Jerk. Conditioning 10 RFT 1 Clean and Jerk 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats 15 minute cap Please C&J weight used and time completed.
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Congrats to all that completed the first workout of the CrossFit Games Open, pill 14.1.  This was a surprisingly technical WOD, cheap with 2 high skill, high rep movements back to back.  I’ll take a look at the leader board tonight, but we had some really solid scores, especially in the master’s division. It’s a pretty safe bet that we’ll be seeing Box Jumps in the next week or two.  Practice what you’re going to do in the Open when it comes up in today’s skill work.  Jump up and down, jump up and step down, step up and step down are all options.  Pay attention to the clock, and try to get rounds of 15 at or near 30 seconds.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 16 minutes Even: 5 Deadlifts 225/155 Odd: 10-15 Box Jumps 24/20 Conditioning 5 rounds for reps 1 minute of Burpees to...
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Gloria is our Paleo Versus Zone Challenge Overall Winner!  Lowell took home the title for the men.  Both Gloria and Lowell followed the Zone. Gloria is a shining example of the CrossFit life.  She has been suffering from a chronic hand injury and has been forced to scale many movements she normally can dominate.  But, # order even though she’s adjusting the movements, information pills she’s still working hard.  Gloria hit her goal of 5 Toes to Bar during the challenge. Both winners will be receiving cash prizes, and all participants will be receiving 1 dozen local organic farm fresh eggs. Who is ready for the next challenge?? We will be waiting until after the Open to start the next one. Alison has a few ideas, but if there is one you are looking to do, let us know! Strength/Skill Squat Clean 3 OTM for 8 Conditioning 2 RFT 20...
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We’ll do a fun WOD at 9am – if the numbers are right, page we’ll do a partner WOD. At 10am, healing it’s 14.1. I’ll do a warm up at 10a, and do a quick warm up plan and strategy session. 1st heat should go off at 10:30. If you’re interested, we’ll do some extra work after…
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