Congrats to all that completed the first workout of the CrossFit Games Open, pill 14.1. This was a surprisingly technical WOD, cheap with 2 high skill, high rep movements back to back. I’ll take a look at the leader board tonight, but we had some really solid scores, especially in the master’s division. It’s a pretty safe bet that we’ll be seeing Box Jumps in the next week or two. Practice what you’re going to do in the Open when it comes up in today’s skill work. Jump up and down, jump up and step down, step up and step down are all options. Pay attention to the clock, and try to get rounds of 15 at or near 30 seconds. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 16 minutes Even: 5 Deadlifts 225/155 Odd: 10-15 Box Jumps 24/20 Conditioning 5 rounds for reps 1 minute of Burpees to...
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