
I would like to start working Kettlebell Snatches into the programming regularly.  I’d like to start uses these more for many reasons – for variety, doctor for grip strength, link for developing shoulder stability and more.  It’s a good exercise that is under utilized at CFO. Why am I telling you this and not just throwing it on the board?  Because if done improperly, there you will bruise your wrist to the point that people will think you are in an abusive relationship.  Life, and fitness, are hard enough that you don’t need a 35# cannon ball crashing on your forearm if you don’t have too. We will work the KB Snatch in warmups over the coming weeks and slowly work them into WODs.  Here’s my advice – learn how to “punch” the kettle bell with an active wrist.  If you are crashing the KB, please keep the weight light...
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We sent out an email today to all members…just a friendly reminder that Thursday at 6:30pm will now be Intro class and Open Gym. If you did not receive the email, abortion we will need an updated email address from you. We want to stay in touch! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 1 set of 8, there 60% of 1RM Ensure you are properly warmed up for this one good press set.  This should be light and easy.  Week 1, it will get heavier. Conditioning AMRAP 8 Toes to Bar Every minute, including the first minute, do 10 Push Press 75/45  
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Thursday at 6:30pm has been our most lightly attended class for the past few months.  Starting this week, buy more about we are going to make 6:30pm on Thursday OPEN GYM. More on the Open this week… Today’s WOD is a newly released Hero WOD dedicated to David Wayne Taylor, remedy 20, of Dixon, Kentucky.  David served in the 82nd Airborne, the Division I served in. The WOD has Burpee Muscleups in it.  If you have Muscleups, this shouldn’t be a problem.  If you don’t, sub with 10 burpee pullups per round.  Watch the old school CrossFit video of Greg A doing 100 burpee pullups.  Notice how he jumps into each pull-up, almost making it a jumping pull-up.  Also notice his grip – he used a mixed grip and almost captures the bar in his hands.  If you do jumping pullups and you need to set up a podium, do...
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The 2014 CrossFit Games Open is in the books, web and I wanted to take a little time to reflect on the competition.  Today, healing I’ll be discussing the event itself, and in tomorrow’s post I’ll talk about some of CrossFit Oakdale’s performances of note. First off, I was very pleased with our participation and enthusiasm during the event – the Open is a fun, worthwhile community event.  If feel like we were well prepared for the movements and the weights that were thrown at us – although there were some surprises. I still get nervous when the WODs are announced, and it’s fun to share that anticipation with the rest of the gym.  The guessing, checking off movements and breaking down of WODs makes for a fun, it not slightly nerve wracking five weeks.  Why do we get nervous?  I think it’s because we want to do well.  We...
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It’s our first post Open Saturday – let’s celebrate with a Chipper.  It’s a classic CrossFit chipper.  Don’t worry, no rx we’ll have subs for the Handstand Pushups, and if you don’t want to finish with 70 Burpees, you can run TL Davis instead. At 10am we will Snatch first. Workout of the Day 30 Handstand Pushups 40 Pullups 50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 60 Situps 70 Burpees
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