Learning the Snatch – the KB Snatch that is…

I would like to start working Kettlebell Snatches into the programming regularly.  I’d like to start uses these more for many reasons – for variety, doctor for grip strength, link for developing shoulder stability and more.  It’s a good exercise that is under utilized at CFO.
Why am I telling you this and not just throwing it on the board?  Because if done improperly, there you will bruise your wrist to the point that people will think you are in an abusive relationship.  Life, and fitness, are hard enough that you don’t need a 35# cannon ball crashing on your forearm if you don’t have too.
We will work the KB Snatch in warmups over the coming weeks and slowly work them into WODs.  Here’s my advice – learn how to “punch” the kettle bell with an active wrist.  If you are crashing the KB, please keep the weight light and focus on receiving the KB with an active wrist.
I’ve posted a video from Jason C. Brown and CrossFit Philly.  I’m not sure this is a gym anymore, but it was one of the first CrossFit gyms I stepped inside, probably in 2007.  They haven’t posted a WOD since 2009, which is kind of sad.  It was a good, old school gym with very knowledgeable coaches.  Oh, and I walked in there and set the pull-up record on a random Saturday.  NBD.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ubc4uJdyB8?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
Workout of the Day
3 Position Clean
Work high, then knee, then ground.
Build to a heavy set in 15 minutes.
3 Power Cleans
3 Box Jumps
6 Power Cleans
6 Box Jumps
9,9, then 12,12, then 15,15

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