
Thursday at 6:30pm has been our most lightly attended class for the past few months.  Starting this week, buy more about we are going to make 6:30pm on Thursday OPEN GYM.
More on the Open this week…
Today’s WOD is a newly released Hero WOD dedicated to David Wayne Taylor, remedy 20, of Dixon, Kentucky.  David served in the 82nd Airborne, the Division I served in.
The WOD has Burpee Muscleups in it.  If you have Muscleups, this shouldn’t be a problem.  If you don’t, sub with 10 burpee pullups per round.  Watch the old school CrossFit video of Greg A doing 100 burpee pullups.  Notice how he jumps into each pull-up, almost making it a jumping pull-up.  Also notice his grip – he used a mixed grip and almost captures the bar in his hands.  If you do jumping pullups and you need to set up a podium, do the burpee in front of the podium, step up and then do your jumping pull-up.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3x7vb0CffI?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
Workout of the Day
Pullups, 6 OTM for 5 minutes
As always, use whatever pull works for you here.  CTB, deadhang, CTB Deadhang, L pullups, kipping, jumping, or body pulls.
If you want, try 2-3 muscle ups.
400m Run
5 Burpee Muscleups
If you don’t have Muscleups, do 10 Burpee Pull-ups
20 minute cap