
Due to popular requests, abortion we haven’t done burpees this week.  Enjoy the break, thumb but know the floor misses you. Also, due to obligations in town – baseball and birthday parties – Alison and I won’t be able to make it CrossFit Parabellum on Saturday.  If I can get down there and check out the event a little later, I will.  The gym will be OPEN on Saturday – 9am and 10am – like normal. [youtube] Chuck C breaks down the thruster in less than a minute. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Front Squat 5 sets of 2, 80% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 8 1 Thruster 95/65 1 Kettlebell Swing 53/35 2 Thrusters 2 Kettlebell Swings 3 Thrusters 3 Kettlebell Swings 4 Thrusters 4 Kettlebell Swings… Keep going up by 1s.  How high can you go?
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We are always looking to get better and more fit. We encourage you to seek out new ways to achieve your goals and we want to support you in these goals. Following the Open, tadalafil we have seen a high level of motivation and a desire to get better. That is AWESOME. We have several athletes that are trying different programs to attack their weaknesses.  With so many people doing different things (those who have been cleared by us) it can turn into a free-for-all. I am not singling anybody out, and I am guilty of this myself, but we have to lay down some ground rules for extra work. Extra work is non-CrossFit Oakdale class related work.    1. The priority is always the class. Equipment, space, whiteboard, timer and more ALL belong to the class.  2. Please understand 5:30pm is the busiest time of the day. If you...
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The CrossFit Games Regional WODs are being posted this week – Day 1 & 2 are up.  The first WOD is a Max Effort Hang Squat Snatch.  Good thing we work on that…all the time.  But, prescription notice how strategy will play in this year.  Much like an Olympic Weightlifting meet, you only have 3 attempts.  You may not lower the weight once you call you opening lift.  Lots of things to factor in here.  What would YOU open with?  What would your 3 lifts be? Insert Snatch Joke Here from CrossFit Almaden.  This gym is owned by Jason Highbarger.  Jason may be the first CrossFitter.  He started in ’99 with Coach Glassman, possibly BEFORE they moved into the original gym.  I’ve competed with Jason and spoken with him on a few occasions.  He is an absolute nerd for CrossFit. [youtube] I have been practicing rope climbs…what a dope...
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I always strive to use positive words in the gym and in life.  “Keep moving” is always better than “Don’t put the bar down.”  As an athlete that is pushing as hard as you can, # buy using positive words is a simple way to keep the mind on the task at hand.  Think about situations where you were pushing your pace and someone yelled out “Don’t stop!”  What happened next?  I’m guessing you stopped.  At the same time, hospital if I pull an athlete aside and tell them, “Hey, I think you can do this WOD in 8 minutes,” or “I think you can Snatch 200 pounds” you see them make that lift, or come up just short.  But what if I said you can do this WOD in 7 minutes, or you can Snatch 220 pounds?  Do they hit those numbers because they are in their head? I...
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If you are signed up for “Partners” at CrossFit Parabellum, and please let me know in the comments on Facebook.  If you are planning to sign up, information pills do it now. Also – the details on an in house competition, find called “Death By Barbell” are coming…   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Hang Snatch 5 sets of 2, 65-70% of 1RM Snatch from just above the knee (Position 2).  Try to hang onto the bar for both reps, but if you can’t, that’s ok, just drop and do another hang snatch. Conditioning AMRAP 8 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65 As many reps as possible in 8 minutes.  A the top of every minute, including the first, do 20 doubleunders.
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