Seems like since Alison and I have been eating our way through the east coast, # dosage you guys have been doing some tough workouts. We’ve visited 2 gyms – CrossFit Stonington (3 times) and CrossFit Valley Forge. I’m trying to beg my way into the CrossFit King of Prussia competitors class tomorrow. For you CFO folks, more about I only have 1 WOD, healing but it’s a doozy. You must warm up your posterior chain well, and be ready to move heavy stuff many times. Like any WOD, this can be scaled to any ability level, but it should be heavy. And while stepping is allowed on Box Jumps, it’s tough to step up to 30ins. Probably have to jump here. As far as extra work is concerned at 10, I’ll leave it to Chance, but I highly recommend Muscle Up work. Workout of the Day 21-15-9 Deadlift, 315/205 Box...
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