
Top in performers in each division of DBB: Sarah Sarah had the biggest overall improvement, and beating her previous time by 5:13 MINUTES!!!  Sarah was a pretty fit lady coming into this challenge, but I’m not sure she’s as awesome on the barbell as she in in other aspects, like bodyweight.  Well, she’s put in the work and is turning into a barbell warrior. Scaled Jake Jake improved his DBB by 3:59.  Jake is one of the most consistent athletes at CFO, working everyday to improve all aspects of his fitness.  It’s been exciting to watch him improve his mental game, getting tough and more enduring, ready to meet any challenge. Masters June June improve here DBB time by 1:56.  June attacks her work like a smart athletes.  She competes regularly and isn’t flashy, just chugs away and does the work fast. I’ve observed June working some 10×10 squat sets...
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5 Rounds for time 15 Deadlift, web 12 Hang Cleans, dosage 9 Front Squat and 6 Shoulder to Overhead, physician 135/95 or as we know it, Death by Barbell (DBB).  It’s a nearly perfect WOD that came from in 2009.  As far as barbell WODs go, there is nowhere to hide, as it tests nearly aspect of the Clean and Jerk – pulling from the ground, pulling from the hang, the squat and the overhead.  It helps to be very strong, but absolute strength is not a total indicator of who does well on this WOD.  Having a great motor helps, but if the weight breaks you off, you’re going to spend a good chunk of time staring at the bar.  In the words of Glassman, if you’re anything less than a weightlifter with the lungs of a porpoise, your times will show as much.  There is a Snatch...
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I promise I’ll have the Death By Barbell review up tomorrow night.  We just had a bunch of updates we had to get to… Tuesday night at 7:30p is the Whole30 Nutrition Briefing Wednesday night at 7:30 is the Woman’s Hormonal Briefing Thursday night at 6:30 is the Handstand Skill Session – during what is normally Open gym. Monday is Labor Day – we’ll have 1 WOD at 9 so you can enjoy the rest of you day. [vimeo 84253241 w=500 h=283] <p><a href=”″>Outlaw Way Muscle-Up Progression</a> from <a href=””>The Outlaw Way</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p> This is an outstanding Muscle Up progression.  If you are interested in getting a Muscle Up, this integrating this into your daily routine should be priority #1.  Box Hops – Hip extension with the false grip, # 40mg Strict Banded Pulls – for the turnover Workout of the Day AMRAP 8 2 Deadlift 335/225 2...
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Congrats to Vanessa W, advice who qualified for the 2015 Boston Marathon by running a 3:32 marathon today in Santa Rosa. For those keeping score, about it Vanessa has survived 2 natural disasters and 1 terrorist attack since 2012. I’m not trying to make light of these insane situations, diagnosis but it’s crazy the things that have happened around Vanessa’s runs. In 2012, she ran the New York Marathon in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. In 2013, she crossed the finish line minutes before the bombs went off in Boston. This year, she ran hours after the biggest earthquake to hit the Bay Area in 25 years.Not to be outdone, and in true CFO Ready For Anything fashion, Vanessa’s husband Bill has been right there. Bill talked Vanessa to safety in the wild minutes following the bombing in 2013. This year, they were staying with friends in the Santa Rosa...
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I am sure Brian will have a great breakdown post on the final of Death by Barbell. BUT since the party is still going on, pill and I need to post I will tell you that there were 14PR’s throughout the day. We had people PR by reps, by time and just by finishing. The evening consisted of family members cheering on athletes, kids scootering around and primal screams working through lifts.     Workout Show up and we will make it fun for you. I promise.
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