5 Rounds for time 15 Deadlift, web 12 Hang Cleans, dosage 9 Front Squat and 6 Shoulder to Overhead, physician 135/95 or as we know it, Death by Barbell (DBB). It’s a nearly perfect WOD that came from CrossFit.com in 2009. As far as barbell WODs go, there is nowhere to hide, as it tests nearly aspect of the Clean and Jerk – pulling from the ground, pulling from the hang, the squat and the overhead. It helps to be very strong, but absolute strength is not a total indicator of who does well on this WOD. Having a great motor helps, but if the weight breaks you off, you’re going to spend a good chunk of time staring at the bar. In the words of Glassman, if you’re anything less than a weightlifter with the lungs of a porpoise, your times will show as much. There is a Snatch...
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