
Text 209-345-4380 or tell Alison you will be attending on Saturday so we can get our heat schedules together! If you aren’t going to work out, but can judge, let her know that too. Get your WOD guess in by tomorrow at 5pm when 21.1 gets announced. Remember to use #cfo2021 and tag us @crossfitoakdale in your Instagram posts! Make sure you check out big scores on Sugarwod! So many PR’s today:) Workout of the Day Flow Triplet AMRAP 20200m rowParking Lot Run5 Toes to Bar
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Workout of the Day Boiling Frog 201 EMOM 105 Thrusters 95/654 Bar Facing Burpees Strength Squat Clean 5 Sets of 1
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Did you see the picture? Gross but interesting. Make sure you follow @thedavecastro on instagram to get the hints for the Open workouts. Quite cryptic. If you have a guess, you can earn points for your team with a correct movement or time domain. The jar will be set up on the front desk tomorrow mid morning. Also time to earn some social media points! Memes, pics, theme related jokes, whatever you come up with that is tagged with @crossfitoakdale and #cfo2021 gets you points! List of points will be displayed tomorrow by the team lists. Not on a team yet? Let us know you are interested. Tell a coach or Alison – 209-345-4380. Saturday is our kick-off day and if you feel achy and sore before or after the workout, Massage and Bodywork Education Center will be on site giving ya’ll a good rub down! Thank you MBEC! Team...
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12.1  12.1 was probably the second greatest troll event in CrossFit history.  For the record, I think the call of Double Grace in the last 10 seconds of the 2014 CrossFit Games was the greatest. 2012 was the second year of the Open and the participation in the sport basically tripled, from 26,000 to 75,000.  Everyone was guessing and expecting something nasty, complex, heavy, or whatever. We got the first live announcement in Games history, although I think it was actually tape delayed from LA.  Three girls from the Valley faced off: 2010 Champ Kristin Clever, powerhouse Katie Hogan and 2 time podium finisher Becca Voight were the top of the CrossFit heap throwing down and we expected some fireworks.  Instead we got 1 movement – a smirking Dave Castro announced burpees for 7 minutes. I did this workout 4 times.  I had qualified for the Regionals the previous year...
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One week out from your costumed up Open workout! Workout of the Day “Welcome to the Bar” 21 Bar Muscle – UpsTHEN4 Rounds11 Power Snatches 75/5511 Toes to Bar
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