Wednesday’s WOD is followed by some heavy back squats. I expect some scaling will be needed for this WOD, cheap as it has 2 relatively high skill movements. Scale to the point that you can work skills, but so your intensity is high. If you have Muscleups, but think you may be doing 4 singles, that’s probably OK, but I’d almost rather see you do 2 chained each round and hop right on those doubleunders. Any style of MU is ok, bar or ring. If you need to use assistance like bands, that’s ok, but have something you can get in and out of quickly so the intensity is high. If you don’t have Muscleups, you may sub either Pullups or Dips, or both. If you do just 1 movement, I recommend 10 pull-ups or dips. If you do both, I recommend 8 pull-ups and 8 dips. If you do...
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