
We have done the No Hook, diagnosis No Foot Snatch before in Skill work.  It really forces 2 things – an aggressive turnover and pulling under the bar fast.  All it means is you don’t use the Hook grip and you set up with your feet already in the landing position. If you are relatively new to Snatching, price just Snatch normally, using hook if you like and foot movement.  This movement is generally more beneficial to experienced lifters to re-enforce mechanics and where/when to apply force. [youtube] Jon North, one of the best weightlifters in the USA, executing a No Hook, No Foot movement Snatch Workout of the Day Strength/Skill No Hook, No Foot Snatch Work to a heavy single in 20 minutes Conditioning Alternating Tabata 8 rounds of Snatch, 135/95 for 20 seconds 10 seconds rest Alternating KB Front Rack Lunge 53/35 10 seconds rest
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Wednesday’s WOD is followed by some heavy back squats.  I expect some scaling will be needed for this WOD, cheap as it has 2 relatively high skill movements.  Scale to the point that you can work skills, but so your intensity is high.  If you have Muscleups, but think you may be doing 4 singles, that’s probably OK, but I’d almost rather see you do 2 chained each round and hop right on those doubleunders. Any style of MU is ok, bar or ring.  If you need to use assistance like bands, that’s ok, but have something you can get in and out of quickly so the intensity is high. If you don’t have Muscleups, you may sub either Pullups or Dips, or both.  If you do just 1 movement, I recommend 10 pull-ups or dips.  If you do both, I recommend 8 pull-ups and 8 dips. If you do...
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In case you need some reminding, approved we have some pretty badass Master’s Athletes at CFO. June, visit web Denny and Robin recently participated in the second iteration of the Master’s Functional Fitness WODs.  This second go around, the WODs were a little more balanced and it looked like a fun week (or two). Denny and June each scored 2 top 10 finishes. Robin dominated once again, with 3 1st place finishes and 3 second place finishes.  Oh, and it’s her birthday. Great job folks! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift Heavy Set of 5, Week 6 of 8 Use 8-9 sets to build to your set of 5.  Things should be very heavy by now.  If you are like me, you may be adding smaller weights, like 5# or even holding your number for to really own.  Really use those sets, especially the heavy one, to get to that...
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Congratulations to Jen and Nick Zambruno!  Our good friends were married on Saturday in front of frailly, erectile friends, and a bunch of great exercisers.  We love you guys and wish you a long, happy and healthy life together. There are many events in the coming weeks if you are looking to test your CrossFit-ability outside the confines of CFO before the Fran-niversary. Novemebr 8 – Barbells for Boobs – Grace at CrossFit Parabellum – Please let Alison know you will be going. The gym will be closed on this day so we can go down and WOD to save 2nd base! November 15 – Row-athon at CrossFit Walnut Creek.  This is a fundraiser at my buddy Andrew Williams gym in downtown Walnut Creek.  It’s 90 minutes of a team row, with mini WODs to score more points.  This is being held to raise funds for a friend of CrossFit...
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Saturday is Oakdale Gone Bad, # 40mg CrossFit Oakdale’s version of Fight Gone Bad.  Each movement is done as many reps as possible in a minute, buy more about until the call of rotate, when you transition to the next movement.  There is no time for transitions.  After you complete all 5 movements, there will be a 5 minute rest period. Workout of the Day Oakdale Gone Bad 3 5 minute rounds, with 1 minute of work at each station of Toes to Bar Box Jump 24/20 Power Clean 135/95 Wallball Shot 20/14 5m shuttle sprint – to the cone is one, back from the cone is 2, etc There is a 1 minute rest period between rounds.  Can anyone break 300???
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