No Hook, No Feet, Again

We have done the No Hook, diagnosis No Foot Snatch before in Skill work.  It really forces 2 things – an aggressive turnover and pulling under the bar fast.  All it means is you don’t use the Hook grip and you set up with your feet already in the landing position.
If you are relatively new to Snatching, price just Snatch normally, using hook if you like and foot movement.  This movement is generally more beneficial to experienced lifters to re-enforce mechanics and where/when to apply force.
Jon North, one of the best weightlifters in the USA, executing a No Hook, No Foot movement Snatch
Workout of the Day
No Hook, No Foot Snatch
Work to a heavy single in 20 minutes
Alternating Tabata
8 rounds of
Snatch, 135/95 for 20 seconds
10 seconds rest
Alternating KB Front Rack Lunge 53/35
10 seconds rest