
The First WOD  to be announced of the Fran-niversary is: Elite Division AMRAP 5 9 Thruster 95/65 9 Pullups 15 Thruster 15 Pullups 21 Thruster 21 Pullups 27 Thruster 27 Pullups 33 Thruster 33 Pullups… Keep going up by 6 Open Division 9 Thruster 75/45 9 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Thruster  15 Kettlebell Swings 21 Thruster  21 Kettlebell Swings 27 Thruster  27 Kettlebell Swings 33 Thruster 33 Kettlebell Swings Keep going up by 6 Standards videos will be coming soon. 1 rule on the KB swings – the KB must be taken to a full overhead position, what is ed arms extended (locked out), pharmacy KB straight up – the CrossFit Games standard. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat, Heavy Set of 3 Week 7 of 8 Take 8-9 sets to work up to your heavy set of 3. Go up by 5-10#.  Things should be getting emotional. Conditioning...
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Tuesday is Veteran’s Day – the day we remember those that have fought in the wars of the United States.  I just spent a few days at my alma mater, there The Citadel where I got to hang out with some amazing veterans.  I’m proud to call these guys (and now girls, although we didn’t have girls when I went there) classmates and friends.  I heard stories that would make you laugh, cry, be amazed and be thankful.  As we remind ourselves with the Hero WODs, these experiences don’t come without a price.  The halls of my old barracks are now adorned with the names of the men we lost, and I could see the pain in my friends eyes as I listened to their stories. We celebrate these men and women the best way we know how – by working and sweating with each other. There is one class...
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Another fun and inspiring event in the books! Sunday night was the CrossFit Games Invitation in San Jose. 4 teams of Athletes from around the world – USA, tadalafil Canada, Europe and Australia – competed in a 2 hour showdown of max effort weightlifting, legless rope climbing, tire flipping and more (including the worm).  You can be a fan of any Athlete you want, but coming together and chanting “USA! USA! USA!” warms my heart every time. Watching Jason Khalipa and Rich Froning tag team snatches after holding a 400+ deadliest while another person rows for calories was GREAT!   While all Athletes individually were entertaining, the synchronized Muscle-Ups were a thing a beauty. If you didn’t get a chance to check it out – click here to find out how.  If the competition bug is in you – get a team member and sign up for the Franniversary! Spots are limited...
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Brian may have left the time zone, ask but he did NOT leave us in the lurch. We are not without a challenging WOD to keep us busy.  9am will be doing an abbreviated version and 10 am gets the whole shebang.  “East Coast Championships Online Qualifier” AMRAP 5 10 Barbell Facing Burpees 15 Thrusters (95/65) 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups At the 5:00 Mark: Establish a 5-Rep Max Low-Hang Snatch At the 10:00: 25 Overhead Squats (135/95) 75 Double-Unders 25 Calorie Row 75 Double-Unders 25 Overhead Squats (135/95)
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If you are available Saturday, treat CrossFit Parabellum is holding a Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser at 8am. You will need your own judge, so bring a friend who can count to 30:) WOD is “Grace” – 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 for time. All proceeds go to Mammograms in Action.  We will be having regular classes on Saturday and Open Gym Sunday will be from  11am to 1pm.  Saturday at 9am will have a 2 part WOD and the Advanced Class will have the same with a Hang Snatch thrown in for fun. Workout of the Day For Time 100 Double Unders 21 Front Squats 115/75 21 Shoulder to Overhead 100 Double Unders 15 Front Squats  15 Shoulder to Overhead 100 Double Unders 9 Front Squats  9 Shoulder to Overhead
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